Contestant’s Official Entry Form/Contract
Rules, Regulations and Terms
For Contestants for the State Pageant Preliminary to the 2025 MISS USA® Pageant
I am making the representations, disclosures, and agreements described below so that I
will be eligible to participate in the state pageant in the state named above (for purposes of this
Agreement, the District of Columbia is considered a state) (the “State) preliminary to the 2025
Miss USA Pageant (the “State Pageant”). I understand this is an important legal document
relating to my participation in the State Pageant, and by signing this document I am waiving
legal rights I may have against JKN Universe, LLC d/b/a The Miss Universe Organization
(“Miss Universe”), and their respective parents, subsidiaries, directors, officers, shareholders,
members, managers, affiliates, successors and assigns, sponsors, VVV Global Ent., LLC of the
State Pageant and others (collectively, the “Parties”).
1. I represent and warrant as follows:
(a) I understand and agree that in this Agreement, “Miss Universe” means JKN
Universe, LLC d/b/a the Miss Universe Organization; “you” or “Licensee” means
THE FAV GROUP, INC., who is the person or entity that conducts the State Pageant
(except as otherwise defined in Paragraph 5 below); the “License Agreement”
means the Miss USA Preliminary State Pageant License Agreement between Miss
Universe (and/or its successors and/or assigns) and Licensee; and, all other
capitalized terms have the same meanings as in the License Agreement unless
otherwise defined in this Agreement.
(b) I understand and agree that you shall determine, in your sole judgment, the
contestants for the State Pageant in accordance with standards prescribed by Miss
Universe from time to time, which may change or be modified from the
requirements set forth herein. I understand that you have no obligation to determine that I am entitled to serve as a contestant, even if I meet all eligibility requirements and any lawful selection criteria you may establish. I further understand and agree that you will determine all eligibility issues for competition in the State Pageant in your sole judgment in accordance with standards prescribed by Miss Universe from time to time (although I understand that you alone, and not Miss Universe, will be applying such standards), and I agree to abide by your determinations both as to myself and all other contestants as to
eligibility for competition in the State Pageant. If I am the winner of the State
Pageant, I understand and agree that Miss Universe will, in its sole judgment,
determine who will serve as a contestant in the 2025 Miss USA Pageant and